Sep 24
Nyando floods emergency relief support project
To facilitate implementation of the relief support activities the project team organized meetings in the target villages to assess and plan relevant realistic actions. The villages targeted through consultation with local church leadership are as follows;
a) Omboko village
b) Ongeche village
c) Kanyagwal village
The purpose of targeting these villages was due their vulnerability. Several houses had been destroyed with floods and community access to food supplies proved to be difficult and inadequate due to destruction of their farm land and livelihoods.
Due to inadequate shelter the villagers had been affected by wild animals especially hippos which reside in flood prone areas and were constantly causing havoc to community members especially at night. Destruction of homes also affected access to sanitation since their latrines have collapsed and exposed the communities to diarrheal diseases
Therefore, the purpose of the community was to agree on the following key aspects;
a) Mobilization of local resources to support implementation of project activities i.e. contribution towards construction of houses by provision of walling materials and engagement of unskilled labor
b) Mobile for provision of sand, ballast and unskilled labour during the production of sanitation slabs for sanitation improvements for vulnerable households
c) Identify vulnerable households for food stuff packages and relief support in the respective villages
d) Identify artisan to engage for latrine slab production
e) Identify vulnerable households for the support of the housing project
f) Develop implementation schedules of the various project components i.e. Relief food provision, Construction of houses and Sanitation development at households’ level.